By the way, the reason I made homemade Popcorn and Pasta homemade is because its really good, not because I'm trying to prove how awesome I am.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"What's a blog?"

Welcome to my very first blog post!  Some may ask (including my husband) "What's a blog?".  For me, the answer is very simple.  For many years people have suggested that I have a reality show following my crazy life and the random things that happen to me.  Others have suggested I post my recipes, stories, and many failed attempts at Pinterest projects.  This blog will be a culmination of all of those things. 

I'm also a self-admitted failure at the keeping updated with the damn baby books.  My daughter Adelina is now 8 months old and I just recently bought her a baby book.  Parent Failure #576.  This blog will (hopefully) be a way for my daughters to connect with me when their older by reading about my crazy adventures both inside and outside of the home and act as a written documentary of their childhood. 

You can read more about me but in a nutshell I'm a mother of two amazing girls, Ava and Adelina, a wife to my husband Anthony, a full-time outside of the home working person, and so much more.  :)

Please follow my blog...not because I have really awesome insight into how to work/wife/parent/cook/craft/etc. but because I often fail at these things and it will be really funny to see what happens along the way. 

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