By the way, the reason I made homemade Popcorn and Pasta homemade is because its really good, not because I'm trying to prove how awesome I am.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Let it Go

This is now my 2nd blog post, approximately 9 months since my last.  Awesome start, Kendran.  In all honesty, I never published or publicized the fact that I had even started a blog because I was of course insecure about the whole thing.  What if people thought I was so egotistical that I think people actually want to hear what I have to say?  What if people thought I was a horrible writer?  What if taking the time to read my blog was an absolute waste of their 4 minutes in that day?  What if people thought I was batshit crazy and a horrible parent for the things I post?  

Are you ready for this?....
I don't care.  

Turning 30, and my Dad being sick, made me realize that life is really short and too much time is wasted worrying about what other people think about you.  I don't really take myself too seriously, if if you take me too serious then that is just a waste of your time.  

My daughter drew pictures of my husband and I the other night and I saw myself more clearly than I have in my past 30 years.  

Mommy: Line though the face making fun of my mustache (By the way, its BLONDE).  

Daddy: Erratic hairs all around his body making fun of his excessive back and body hair.  

Both- Giant heads and chins

Here's the interesting part:  To her, this was a masterpiece and truest depiction of the two people she loves more than anything in the world.  She said we were beautiful! To me, my insecurities were brought to surface by an innocent 3 year old.  

I realized in that moment, that if I could work on seeing myself the way my daughter's see me, and the way God sees me then any negative thoughts I have about myself (or others have about me) are a total waste of precious time.  

I also realized they make Nair for a reason and you better believe I was a the drug store the next day.  

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